25 September 2012

Computer Finance

Financial systems or financial accounting issues related to the recording of transactions for a company or organization and preparation of periodic reports of the results of the record. This report is prepared for general interest and is typically used to assess the achievement of the company owner or manager used as a manager of financial accountability to shareholders.

The important thing is the presence of financial accounting Financial Accounting Standards (GAAP), which are the rules that must be used in the measurement and presentation of financial statements for external stakeholders. Thus, the expected users and compilers of financial statements can communicate through these financial statements, because they use the same reference, namely GAAP.

The financial system is a sound financial system, using the new system. This system refers to the placement of a server and a dedicated network to accommodate the course of the financial wheels of each unit and faculty. With this system is expected to facilitate and enhance the effectiveness of mobilization and financial transactions that already exist.

Financial Information System is a computer information system that provides reports information to individuals or groups, both within the company and outside the company regarding the company's financial problems. The information provided is presented in the form of special reports, periodic reports, the results of mathematical simulations, the advice of an expert system, and electronic communications.


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